Rest for the Weary

My niece, JoriLynn Sophia, arrived on May 7, 2009.  I was so grateful to make it over to Denver in time to be there for her birth.  My sister, Jen, and I had walked alongside one another through our pregnancies with our girls, due just one month apart.  We had wonderful hopes of our girls growing up together so close in age.  From the moment Jen learned we had lost our Maggie she dropped everything to be by my side, serving, encouraging, fixing meals, watching our boys, and standing at my bedside along with my mama, little sister and aunt as Adam and I waited for our Maggie to be born.  

I felt SO honored that I was able to be with Jen as she brought her second daughter into the world.  Jen ended up facing some complications after her c-section and I was thankful to be with her then, to hug her and pray for her as she made some tough decisions.  She and her husband, Jeff, were gracious to give me so many opportunities to sit with and love on my niece, JoriLynn.  Spending that time with their precious baby girl helped to ease a small bit of the heartache of losing ours.  My arms ached the way they do from holding a new little one for hours--such JOY.  And my arms ached to hold my sweet Maggie again--such SORROW.  I MISS HER SO MUCH.  I needed to see some good happen and cannot thank God enough for protecting my dear sister, my niece and her family.  Thank you, Jesus!  I was sitting beside Jen's hospital bed rocking Baby Jori in the dark as I watched the clock turn to 1:30 a.m. on May 9th--one month since I held my Maggie in my arms for the first time.  My sweet sister woke up and prayed with me at that moment.  Even after undergoing surgery and trying to recover while caring for a newborn, my sister showed me such love and compassion as she sat and cried with me for my own daughter.  It was so hard to say goodbye to Jen, her family and my mama as I left on Sunday.  And it was so hard to say goodbye to my beautiful new niece.

I missed my boys and my husband SO dearly during my time away, however I was not ready to return to our home and the day-to-day toughness that seems to be in my face everywhere I turn. Maggie's room is still set up just as it was, crib ready and clothes on the hangers.  I can't even imagine changing it right now.  With no calls or emails on our house yet I have felt incredibly discouraged and trapped.  Familiarity isn't comfortable anymore.  I have yet to figure out how to separate the reality of what has happened from the dreams I had been making.  Finding a new normal and a new plan is hard.  I had not just been planning for Maggie since we found out we were pregnant with her, or even since we learned she was a little girl--I have spent my whole life dreaming and planning for my daughter.  It is a huge part of who I am as a woman and a mother.

Mother's Day seemed bittersweet and incomplete this year.  I was anxious to finally see my Adam and hug my Noah and Mason as I picked them up at Adam's parents' house on my way back.  I was physically exhausted and emotionally drained though, and with Maggie gone it felt like a piece of my heart was missing. It had been a long few days for all of us.  I can honestly say I have never wanted to go to Heaven so badly in my life. 

I have to remind myself that Maggie is perfectly protected, unscathed and completely taken care of, but my Noah and Mason--they are HERE.  Now.  And they need their mama to defend, protect and look after them during their time on Earth.  And my beloved husband is missing a part of himself, too.  If we don't fight for our boys, who will?  We need each other and our boys need us.

I cannot imagine walking this road alone, and thankfully, we have not had to.

Our friends and family have rallied around us, gently holding us up at times when we could not carry ourselves, letting us vent and cry and process.  Broken and bruised in the pit of despair, so many have offered their outstretched hands, ready and patiently waiting for the time to come when we find the strength to hold on.  The weight of this burden would surely crush us without those around us willing to carry it with us.  Adam and I have been overwhelmed and humbled by the outpouring of love, support and kindness that so many have shown us through kind notes, cards, flowers, prayers and offers to help in any way.

And then, upon returning home Sunday evening we found our bedroom COMPLETELY made over.  A lovely, luxurious, enormous new bed, bright, cheery bedding and all kinds of little details to make our space a place of rest, relaxation and refuge.  I walked in our bedroom and had trouble breathing as I took it all in.  I ended up laying on the floor until my ears stopped ringing and my heart stopped racing.  Our friends had set it all up for us, sparing no detail or expense.  My sister, Jen, was kind enough to monogram the pillowcases for Adam and I--so fancy and so beautiful. She did such a wonderful job.

Our dear friends even surprised us with a bag of coffee on the table and two huge coffee cups (one filled with Hershey Kisses) atop a DVD set of "Friends" (they know me so well).  The note attached read, "Kisses and coffee while you enjoy your Friends."

Such thoughtful touches--they all put so much into the little details that fit Adam and I in such a personal way.  From our favorite snacks and flowers while we were in the hospital waiting for Maggie to the beautifully framed photo and poem written by one of our friends to Maggie and I.  Even the candles, plants and wall plaque to complete our new bedroom decor were considerately chosen just for us.  I had so dreaded being back in the place where everything has unfolded so tragically these past few weeks, and this wonderful act of kindness, generosity and love was HUGE blessing to come home to.  Needless to say, it was probably our most comfortable night's sleep in a long, long time.  And when nightmares are more the rule than the exception these days, it will be wonderful to have a place to lay our heads when we can find rest.

A tremendous THANK YOU to the Hansows, Hicks, Doves, Lyons, Mullens, Strouds, Struwes, Unverferths & Wards for showing us a picture of God's EXTRAVAGANT love through this incredible gift.  It is so far above and beyond anything we've ever had and you all have blessed us more than we can express to you!  And when it is our turn, we will be ready to return the blessing.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

-Matthew 11:28-30

Grief In Their Words


On the day we found out she had passed away . . .

"When Maggie is done in Heaven can she come back and live with us?"

When he didn't understand why she wasn't coming home . . .

"Did God love Maggie so much that He just wanted her to be with Him?"

When we told him she was in Heaven . . .

"I can't believe she gets to go be with God!"

To his cousin, Julia, the day we came home from the hospital . . .

"Juju, my mommy had to go to the hospital because she's sad about Maggie."

In the car on the way home from preschool . . .

"I just wanted to get to hold her.  When I go I will hold her in Heaven.  Will they have chairs in Heaven?  'Cause I know you have to sit with her because Maggie's so fragile."

When he saw his mama having a tough time . . .

"Mommy, are you ok?"  [Yep]  "I want you to be happy."  [Mommy's happy. See. *Smile*]  "No, I want you to be happy about Maggie.  'Cause we're going to see her again.  And we can hold her and play with her and do all kinds of things in Heaven.  It's gonna be good."

After coloring a picture of a flower and a butterfly for me . . .

"We have to bring this with us to Heaven so we can give it to Maggie--it's for you and Maggie to share."

When I told him she could already see the beautiful masterpiece he made us, he ran to the window with the biggest smile and pressed it up to the glass, "See, Maggie!" Then he turned to me and said, "I didn't know she could already see it--that's so cool!"


After covering me with all his babies (stuffed animals) as I sat in Maggie's glider . . .

"Rocky, rocky, Mommy. Rocky, rocky, babies."

During our mealtime prayer at lunch, I started "Dear Lord, bless . . . " and Mason finished "Maggie, Maggie, Maggie."

Comforting his upset mama after a recent doctor appointment (just like he's seen his daddy do) . . .

"Mommy sad. Sorry, mommy. Ok, mommy. Ok, mommy."

Two Weeks

Today was hard. Thursdays will be hard for a while. Today marks two weeks since our sweet girl was born. The days leading up to Maggie's birth still feel so fresh in my mind. It feels like only hours have passed instead of days and weeks. They are replayed in my mind at any given moment throughout the day. I feel surrounded and bombarded by reminders of how our world has been turned upside down.

I went to bed close to midnight on April 5th and felt her move for the last time as I drifted off to sleep with my hand on my tummy. When I woke up the next day I struggled to feel any movement. In a panic I made my way to my doctor's office, not letting myself go as far as to think that the worst could be happening. After much searching with a number of different Dopplers, a final ultrasound revealed that Maggie's heart was still. In a moment our lives crumbled.

They did not have an explanation at the time but told us we would need to induce labor and get her delivered. My mom, older sister and aunt made it to us by that same evening, flying from Utah and driving through the night from Denver. My younger sister flew in from Florida the next morning and Adam's mom drove up to help care for our boys. Adam and I checked into the hospital to begin the induction--rounds of Cytotec every three hours to initiate contractions. At 31 weeks, neither my body nor any other part of me was ready to let her go and just as we were warned, the induction proved to be a long and difficult process.

That was Tuesday. Maggie Olivia arrived nearly 40 hours later on Thursday, April 9th at 1:30 a.m. She was breech, just as she had been a few weeks ago in her ultrasound. She was a precious 2 pounds 13 ounces and was 15 inches long. I so looked forward to the day I would meet my daughter--I had dreamed about it my whole life--but I never imagined it being like this. It is one thing to go through the work and pain of labor and delivery to see your baby take their first breath, it is another thing to go through all of it to know that they never will.

She was so beautiful. We were able to have a volunteer from Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep come to take pictures of Adam, Maggie and I. We are grateful for that. It is the only thing we have. We were with her for 3 1/2 hours...saying goodbye. I had no idea how to say goodbye to my daughter and then hand her over to someone else--a lot of it seems blurry now. I wish I hadn't been so sick in the hours after the delivery, a combination of exhaustion, devastation and medication complications.

We were blessed to have three of the most kindhearted nurses during our stay in the hospital--all there at just the right time for what we were going through. God did that. Our doctor is one of the most compassionate men we know and he handled us--and our daughter--with such care. God did that, too. We were, and continue to be, incredibly grateful for such a wonderful support system of friends and family. In the days following our time in the hospital, our house was filled with flowers and cards...such an outpouring of love and kindness. To those who have blessed us, thank you so much.

Every Monday I get a new email from telling me what new and exciting things I should expect this week in my pregnancy...what the baby looks like, what I should be doing to prepare. I have continued to receive them even after I have unsubscribed. If it's not them it's reminding me to update my baby registry with their newest must-have infant items or any of the other baby websites I have subscribed to the past 7 months as I filled my head (and our house) with all things girly and pink. The carseat cover I ordered nearly a month ago finally arrived on Monday. I can't walk by her nursery (which is adjacent to our bedroom) without thinking of her and what could have been. As long as we live here it will always be Maggie's room. Adam and I are working on selling our house and finding something else here. Moving won't make it all go away, but we feel like we could use somewhere different. Somewhere that won't constantly remind me of all the dreams that will no longer be. To rest somewhere other than the room I went to sleep in the last time I felt her move. It's hard to be out in the world right now but it's agonizing to be in this house, too. So many reminders.

I have nightmares. Nightmares about the blurry parts after she was delivered and the unknown part after she was taken away. Nightmares about losing our little boys somehow, too. On a couple occasions I have woken in up the middle of one thinking it was just a horrible dream--thinking I was still pregnant. Only to be jolted back to the heartbreaking reality of it all.

The boys had their well child check-ups today. I dreaded having to explain to our Pediatrician why I was such a mess. The nurse commented as she took us back, "You look different. Did you have your little baby?" I guess hiding out in my house has had it's advantages--today was the first time I had to explain it all to someone who didn't already know our story. People mean well, but some just have not given it the degree of sympathy or sensitivity that is so needed, and that has been hurtful. Comments like, "Bummer" or "You'll get over it" have been hard to receive. I know that my Adam has been faced with it so much more than I have as he returned to work and is out in the community seeing people everyday.

I am missing my little girl tonight. I am still so confused as to why God would say "yes" only to say "no" months later. But as my dear friend pointed out, the Lord did not take her, he received her.

Right Now

I want to say that I am at peace with God's decision...that losing our little girl and an enormous part of my heart a week and a half ago somehow feels a little easier because it was His plan. That going through two days of an induced labor and delivery, knowing what the end result would be, was somehow more bearable because Maggie was already with Him and He is good. He is good...but as for the rest, I can't say that yet. Right now it still feels like an awful nightmare that I can't wake up from. Right now I just want her hold her for one more minute, to see her open her eyes and breathe in life and for her tiny heart to beat once again.

I was proud to add Maggie to our wall of family pictures in our living room. She was so beautiful. It means a great deal to me to have her up there with the rest of us--because she was here. She was not just a thought or a fluttering feeling we never got to meet...we held a sweet baby girl with a tiny, beautiful face and perfect hands and feet. Had I not followed others' stories of heartache I never would have known of "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep" and had the chance preserve the short time we had with our little girl with pictures. I never imagined having to use their services for our family. And I never thought I would only have a couple frames just for Maggie on our wall...ones that will never change as she grows and changes, documenting her milestones and bright smile. It makes me sad there will never be ones of the 5 of us or the boys with their little sister. In looking at the boys' photo albums I have found that she looked like them both the day they were born. It was hard to see any of my own features in her...maybe I would have as she got a bit older. I wish I could have seen her with her dark hair grown out long. I wonder what color her eyes would have been...dark like mine, green like Noah's or beautiful blue like Mason's and her Daddy's. We drove by a birthday party in the park today...I always thought it would have been fun to celebrate her June birthdays with pool parties and outdoor things. No more birthdays--just memorial days. So much I couldn't wait to see and do with my daughter. It wasn't suppose to be like this--pregnant, ready and waiting one day, all of it ripped away the next. Dreams shattered, a hole in my heart and empty arms. Such an exhausting, overwhelming and consuming hurt.

I miss being pregnant. There are so many things I find myself able to do now that I hadn't counted on doing for at least two more months, some things not until I was done nursing. It doesn't feel right. It feels empty. My body still acts accordingly after birth--cruel and painful reminders with no baby to hold and feed and care for. My head is flooded with questions of how and why and what could have been, so many that will remain unanswered. How could He let us entertain the thought, feel her grow and move, prepare, dream, hope--only to end her life before she even had the chance to start it? How does anything ever feel ok again? What did I do? Who would she have become? Why her? Why then? There are no words to express what our Maggie meant to me and how much I so desperately wanted her. How desperately I still want her. And we were so close. If only I had a faith like Job's after his family and all he owned was destroyed, "The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised." Or even a faith like my sweet 4-year-old boy, "Did God love Maggie SO much that He just wanted her to be with Him? I can't believe she gets to go be with God!"

I know that she was His long before she was mine. But it's harder, deeper and more broken than that right now. And while our world is shattered, the rest of the world moves on.